Biomass Gasification is shown as an innovative and feasible practice

INTERcamBIOM > News > Biomass gasification is shown as an innovative and feasible practice in a webinar in collaboration with INtercamBIOM


8 February 2023

Up to 180 people attended the webinar on solid biomass gasification in collaboration between AVEBIOM Innova and the INtercamBIOM network.

The event took place on 26th January, in the form of an online webinar, in which solid biomass gasification was discussed as a viable technology. It was presented the featured the innovative practice of BIOLIZA in Aceites Guadalentín, one of the gasification practices documented by INtercamBIOM.

26th January 2023 - How to start up new renewable gas projects with solid biomass?

The workshop (more info and agenda here) belongs to the series of communication and transfer events AVEBIOM Innova, promoted by AVEBIOM - Spanish Biomass Association. The workshop aimed to demystify gasification as a technology, as it is often considered underdeveloped or unfeasible.

The event showed that this is a viable, proven, but not so well known practice that is scarcely applied in Spain. To this end, INtercamBIOMcollaborated in the event, contributing to the content and providing some of the practices documented by the BRANCHES project.

AVEBIOM and BIOLIZA organised the workshop, in which 4 Spanish technologists with solvent references in gasification participated: WtE-AS, INERCO, GREEN E and ARESOL Renovables.


Daniel García (AVEBIOM) showed the state of progress in Europe, where gasification is mainly extended in Central-Europe. In Spain we have 7 industrial installations in operation and two industrial pilot infrastructures. Three examples documented by the BRANCHES project were also shared:

  • dry grade pomace gasification plant at Aceites Guadalentín in Pozo Alcón, Jaén (see summary) developed by the Spanish consultancy BIOLIZA,
  • sewage sludge gasification plant at the San Javier Waste Water Treatment Plant in Murcia (developed by CEDER-CIEMAT and the Life4DryGas project (brief fact sheet available; videos and more info expected soon),
  • energy self-sufficiency in a small fruit and berry farm in Northern Finland (see Sinikasvis case summary).

In addition, José Antonio La Cal, head of R&D&i at BIOLIZA, collaborated as a speaker and facilitator of the debate.


The conference served to reinforce a strong message: gasification is a reliable technology, and that it has national technologists who have several references of plants in operation, specifically: WtE-AS, INERCO, GREEN E and ARESOL Renovables.

During the dialogue section, questions from the audience were answered, both on the technical level and in terms of the scope for the development of the technology. The panellists noted that one of the main barriers is lack of knowledge and mistrust. This is currently the biggest barrier, above technical feasibility, possible legislative obstacles (which exist, but can be overcome) and technical feasibility.

However, there was also a consensus on a second "strong message", launched by José Antonio la Cal, which was reinforced through the interventions of the different panellists: gasification gas lacks a roadmap, contrary to those already published by the central administration for other renewable gases such as biomethane or hydrogen. Daniel García confirmed this fact, with the example of not having concrete objectives towards 2030 or proposals for specific measures to promote it at plan level (NECP - National Integrated Energy and Climate Plan) or concrete promotion programmes.


The video can be consulted above, and can be viewed on Youtube on the AVEBIOM channel, with an index of contents to facilitate access.

The presentations and the Q&A document can also be consulted in the press release published by AVEBIOM after the event.



Original news (in Spanish): LINK
