Establishing and exploiting the BRANCHES knowledge exchange network and sub-networks

Network activity will focus on the establishment and monitoring of  the interactions with multiple practitioners, organisations, scientists and EIP-AGRI focus groups members whilst ensuring sufficient engagement and a relevant bi-directional knowledge transfer and cross-fertilisation with innovative practices.

Actions will take place to establish 5 National Thematic Networks (NTNs) but also knowledge transfer to 5 collaborating networks in 3rd EU countries (Portugal, Lithuania, Latvia, Czech, Slovakia) and knowledge transfer / gathering of innovative practices through / from EU multipliers in connection with associates (sectorial organisations) or participants (EIP-AGRI focus groups) from multiple EU countries.

NTNs aim to gather local, regional and national actors, meaning practitioners (target actors) and other key actors (public administrations, national multipliers and other participants) in Finland, Poland, Italy, Germany and Spain.

The evolution of networks participants and interests will be monitored aiming to achieve a high volume of knowledge transfer at EU level, in the national sub-networks and five additional collaborating countries. Options for further exploit the network after the project ends will be explored.


Research centre for energy resources and consumption – CIRCE


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